Investigating the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Employees in Pharmaceutical Companies in Heilongjiang Province, China
Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Pharmaceutical Companies, Human Resource ManagementAbstract
In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to professional life, with employee satisfaction and job performance becoming focal points for researchers and managers in the field of human resource management. These issues have emerged as prominent topics within the discipline. In practical settings, it is crucial to accurately understand the relationship between employee satisfaction and job performance. By implementing scientific measures to enhance employee satisfaction, it is possible to improve job performance and fully utilize human resources to promote enterprise development. This study randomly selected 220 employees from pharmaceutical companies in Heilongjiang Province as survey subjects. Employing reliable and valid scales as the main research tools, descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis were conducted to explore the relationship between employee satisfaction and job performance in medium and large pharmaceutical companies in Heilongjiang Province. The results indicate that there are differences in employee satisfaction and job performance based on individual attributes. A significant positive correlation exists between employee satisfaction and job performance, with the correlation between employee satisfaction and peripheral performance being greater than that with task performance. Employee satisfaction has a positive impact on job performance. This paper analyzes the relationship between employee satisfaction and job performance based on the actual situation of employees in pharmaceutical companies in Heilongjiang Province, aiming to objectively reflect the impact of employee satisfaction on job performance. It provides a reference for improving employee satisfaction and job performance in pharmaceutical companies in Heilongjiang Province.
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