Systematic Review on Developing Digital Literacy Approach in Higher Education Institution
digital literacy, higher education institution, component, challenges, recommendationAbstract
In an increasingly digital world, the ability to effectively navigate and utilize digital technologies is paramount. Digital literacy (DL) has emerged as a crucial competency, not just in personal and professional spheres but also within the academic environment. Indeed, higher education institutions (HEIs) are at the forefront of this transformation, as they are responsible for equipping students with the necessary skills to thrive in a digital economy. Thus, this article explores the development of a comprehensive DL strategy in HEI. Examining the importance of DL has made this article accidentally bump into factors such as enhancing employability, supporting academic achievement, promoting lifelong learning, and fostering inclusive education. Further, this article reveals that key components of DL include vision and goals, curriculum integration, practitioner professional development, digital resources and infrastructure, student support services besides assessment and evaluation. Inevitably, this article founds major challenges such resistance to change, resource constraints, diverse skill level, rapid technological advancements, ensuring accessibility. Nevertheless, to encounter the issues of DL, establish a clear vision and goals, integrate digital literacy across the curriculum, investment in professional development, provide robust digital resources and infrastructure, offer comprehensive student support services, promote digital citizenship and ethical use, implement continuous assessment and evaluation, address barriers to access become the forefront of recommendation for best practices in DL around the globe.
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