Development of Blood Circular System E-Module Human Based on Science Assisted Flip Pdf Professionals for Improving Concept Understanding Class V Elementary Students
E-module, flip pdf professional, concept understanding, scientific, circulation system human bloodAbstract
The research objectives: 1) analyze needs, 2) design e-module development products, and 3) analyze the effectiveness of scientific-based human circulatory system e-modules assisted by Flip Pdf Professional to improve understanding of concepts for a fifth-grade elementary school in Gugus Gajah Mada, Kradenan District. Grobogan Regency. Development research (R&D) uses the Sugiyono development model with 10 development steps. The product is in the form of an e-module for the human circulatory system. The research subjects were fifth-grade elementary school students in the Gajah Mada Group, Kradenan District, Grobogan Regency. Collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, expert validation sheets, and tests. Needs data were analyzed by qualitative description. The products developed are tested for feasibility by media, language, and material experts. The effectiveness of the e-module was analyzed by statistical analysis of the Independent Samples Test with a significance level of <0.05. The results of the needs analysis, students and teachers need the products developed in this study. Product development design is carried out with the planning, drafting, and evaluation stages. An overall average score of media, language, and materials expert validation consecutively is 92.9%; 94.4%; 95.4%; and all three are included in the "Very Eligible" criteria. Feasibility is also supported by the results of student and teacher questionnaire responses which show an average score of 76.67% and 86.67% with the criteria of "Good" and "Very Good". The product developed was also proven to be effective in increasing the understanding of the concepts of fifth-grade elementary school students in the Gajah Mada Group, Kradenan District, Grobogan Regency based on the results of the Independent Samples Test <0.05, i.e 0.000.
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