Improve Future Orientation with Goal Setting Training is viewed from Internal Locus of Control


  • Siti Ainun Kholifah Magister Psychology, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Igaa Noviekayati Magister Psychology, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dyan Evita Santi Magister Psychology, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia



Future orientation, goal setting training, internal locus of control


Everyone dreams of a bright future according to their interests and abilities. Time orientation problems occur in early adulthood because individuals are in a period of crisis and generally experience worry, doubt and confusion about the direction of their life, these feelings may have an effect on their developmental tasks. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of goal setting training to improve future orientation in terms of internal locus of control. This research was a quasi-experiment with a sample size of 33 people determined using a saturated sampling technique. Data collection uses a Likert scale type. Data were analyzed using t-test. The research results show that 1) there is a significant difference between the future orientation pretest and the future orientation posttest because the significance value of the paired t test is 0.000 where this value is <0.01, this means that goal setting training increases students' future orientation; 2) there are differences in future orientation in terms of high and low internal locus of control after being given training on goal setting. Students with low future orientation in the pretest session after being given goal setting training, their future orientation posttest scores increased. It is hoped that the research results can be used as reference material for further research on the same topic, as well as helping agencies in solving future orientation problems. More broadly, it is hoped that this research will serve as a guide for society in improving future orientation by using goal setting training and increasing internal locus of control.


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How to Cite

Kholifah, S. A., Noviekayati, I., & Santi, D. E. (2023). Improve Future Orientation with Goal Setting Training is viewed from Internal Locus of Control. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2), 23–30.