Examining the Critical Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Organisational Innovation and Creativity in China's Shanxi Province: An Extensive Mediation-Moderation Study


  • Yuan Huipeng Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College Malaysia, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia




Knowledge management practices, organizational creativity, organizational learning


This systematic literature review explores the effectiveness of knowledge management practices (KMPs) in shaping organizational creativity and innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Shanxi Province of China. The study investigates the relationships between KMPs (knowledge creation, sharing, application, and acquisition), organizational learning, organizational creativity, encouraging and supportive leadership, and innovation performance. By analyzing 65 relevant studies, the review examines the characteristics and contributions of KMPs across cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social, and metacognitive domains. The findings highlight the unique features and contributions of KMPs in enhancing various aspects of organizational learning and creativity, which in turn influence innovation performance. The review identifies KMPs as a standout approach due to their integrated nature, seamlessly incorporating active learning principles into SMEs' operations, making them a holistic and effective method for comprehensively addressing innovation challenges. The study also explores the mediating roles of organizational learning and creativity in the relationship between KMPs and innovation performance, as well as the moderating effect of encouraging and supportive leadership on the relationship between organizational creativity and innovation performance. The manuscript concludes with suggestions for optimizing KMP implementation based on insights drawn from the challenges and inadequacies identified across different practices.


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How to Cite

Huipeng, Y. (2024). Examining the Critical Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Organisational Innovation and Creativity in China’s Shanxi Province: An Extensive Mediation-Moderation Study. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 9–17. https://doi.org/10.53797/ujssh.v3i2.2.2024


