The Influence of Organizational Justice, Organizational Identity, and Teacher Self-Efficacy on Teaching Effectiveness in Vocational-Technical High Schools of Guangzhou City, China
organizational justice, organizational identity, teacher self-efficacy, teaching effectivenessAbstract
The vocational-technical education sector in Guangzhou, China, is at a pivotal point for aligning educational practices with global workforce demands, essential for economic development and addressing skill shortages. This study aims to investigate the relationships between organizational justice, organizational identity, teacher self-efficacy, and teaching effectiveness in vocational-technical high schools. Using a quantitative approach, structured questionnaires were distributed to 380 teachers from 38 schools, and the data were analyzed through multivariate statistical techniques, including Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings reveal that organizational justice significantly enhances teaching effectiveness, with organizational identity and teacher self-efficacy mediating this relationship. The research underscores the importance of equitable practices and a supportive environment in fostering teacher motivation, confidence, and instructional performance. These insights are crucial for policymakers and educational leaders to develop holistic strategies that integrate fair practices, strengthen organizational identity, and bolster teacher self-efficacy, ultimately enhancing the quality of vocational-technical education in Guangzhou.
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