Factors Influencing Teaching Performance Among University Teachers in Shanghai City, China
Transformational Leadership, Organizational Climate, Professional Development, Employee Engagement, Teaching PerformanceAbstract
This study investigates the multifaceted factors influencing teaching performance among university teachers in Shanghai City, China, against a backdrop of global educational transformation and increasing demands for innovative teaching practices. It focuses on the roles of transformational leadership, organizational climate, and professional development, and their interrelation with employee engagement. Employing a quantitative research design, the study analyzes data from 550 faculty members across 23 higher education institutions in Shanghai using structured questionnaires and advanced statistical techniques. The findings reveal that transformational leadership significantly enhances teaching performance by motivating and inspiring educators, while organizational climate and professional development also contribute positively. Employee engagement emerges as a critical mediator, amplifying the positive effect of the examined factors on teaching performance. This research contributes to the understanding of how educational leadership and institutional climate can be leveraged to improve teaching quality, providing actionable insights for policymakers and educational leaders aiming to enhance academic standards and teacher effectiveness in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.
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