Analysis of the Allocation and Management of Tobacco Excise Revenue-Sharing Funds
Excise, DBHCHT, TobaccoAbstract
In the practice of decentralization, the Revenue Sharing Fund for Tobacco Excise (DBHCHT) is given to tobacco-producing regions from the State Budget (APBN) in return for their contribution to state revenue. The management of the Tobacco Excise Revenue Sharing Fund is allocated to fund five programs, namely improving the quality of raw materials, coaching industry, social environment development, socialization of provisions in the excise sector, and eradication of illegal excisable goods with priority in the health sector to support the national health insurance program, especially increasing the quantity and quality of health services and economic recovery in the regions. In addition to the health sector, The Minister of Finance Regulation also allocates Revenue Sharing Fund for Tobacco Excise (DBHCHT) in the areas of community welfare and law enforcement.
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