Embung Plumbungan Tourism Empowerment through Environmental Greening in Gondoharum Village, Jekulo Subdistrict
I Empowerment, Embung Tourism, GreeningAbstract
An embankment is a basin used to regulate and accommodate the supply of rainwater flow and to improve the water quality in the associated water body (river, lake). Embungs are used to maintain groundwater quality, prevent flooding, and as a source of irrigation. Embungs collect rainwater in the rainy season and are then used by farmers to irrigate land in the dry season. In Gondoharum Village there is an embung that will be used as a tourist attraction in the future, but there is a case in the embung, namely the existence of a dry soil structure that makes the land there look barren. Therefore, the KKN Team made efforts to greenish activities to improve the soil structure and to make the Embung look more beautiful and cooler to attract tourists to visit the Embung.
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