Descriptive Level of Learning Motivation on Students' Indonesian Communication Ability from Axiological Perspective
Learning Motivation, Indonesian Language Communication, AxiologyAbstract
Motivation has a big role in individual success in learning. When learning Indonesian, a student who already has the ability to understand Indonesian is also required to be able to communicate it. The aim of this research is to analyze the learning motivation and mathematical communication skills of class XI IPS MA Alfalah Kudus students. The data collection technique in this research uses a questionnaire to obtain learning motivation data and a written test to obtain results on Indonesian language communication skills. Indicators of learning motivation include interest, attention, concentration, and perseverance. The indicators used to measure the Indonesian language communication test in this research are written text, drawing, and mathematical expressions. Data processing techniques use data reduction to present data, which is then narrated. The results of this study show that students who have high motivation are able to complete the mathematical communication skills test. Meanwhile, students who have low motivation are unable to complete the Indonesian language communication skills test.
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