Case Study of Learning Language Research Methodology Through Driil Practice Method Among Students


  • Agus Darmuki Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • Nur Alfin Hidayati Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • Vita Verliana Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia



Method, learning, language, drill practice, students


The ability to drill Practice is one of the skills that is very important and needed in the 21st century. This research will describe a case study using the drill practice method on learning outcomes in language research methodology courses. This research is descriptive qualitative research, which uses the practical drill method. The objects of this research were all 3rd-semester students who took the language research methodology course. The subject of this research is learning language research methodology using the practical drill learning model. The data collection technique in this research is by conducting interviews and observations with lecturers and students in the 3rd-semester language research methodology class. Practical training in the course allows students to better understand the basic concepts and steps in conducting language research. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) There is an increase in learning outcomes, 2) the practical drill method provides valuable support in understanding and developing students' skills, 3) Through direct Practice, students can more easily apply the theory learned in situations practical. The researcher realizes there still needs to be an improvement in applying drill practice to teach research methodology courses. However, the result of this research may enlighten us on the importance of varying techniques in teaching research methodology to make the teaching and learning process run as expected.


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How to Cite

Darmuki, A., Hidayati, N. A., & Verliana, V. (2023). Case Study of Learning Language Research Methodology Through Driil Practice Method Among Students. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2), 18–22.

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