Exploring the Relationship Between Flexible Work Arrangements, Employee Engagement, and Innovative Work Behavior in Shenzhen’s IT Information Technology Industry


  • Jun Tang Faculty of Business, Hospitality and Technology, University Islam Melaka, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Malacca, Malaysia
  • Nadiah Ishak Faculty of Business, Hospitality and Technology, University Islam Melaka, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Malacca, Malaysia




Flexible work arrangements, employee engagement, innovative work behavior, IT information technology industry, Shenzhen city


The rapid growth of the Information Technology (IT) industry in Shenzhen, China, has intensified the need for continuous innovation to maintain competitive advantage. Flexible work arrangements and employee engagement have emerged as potential drivers of innovative work behavior, especially in high-demand sectors like IT. This study aims to explore the combined impact of FWAs and employee engagement on IWB within Shenzhen’s IT industry, with a focus on understanding how employee engagement mediates the relationship between flexible work options and innovation. Using a quantitative research design, data were collected from 400 IT professionals in Shenzhen through a structured questionnaire, and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings indicate that FWAs have a direct positive effect on IWB, while also indirectly fostering innovation by enhancing employee engagement. Additionally, the mediation analysis reveals that employee engagement significantly amplifies the impact of FWAs on innovative work behavior. This study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the dual pathway through which FWAs influence innovation, suggesting that companies can enhance their innovative capabilities by implementing flexible work policies that also prioritize employee engagement. These insights are valuable for HR practices and management strategies in the IT sector, highlighting the strategic benefits of fostering both flexibility and engagement to drive innovation.


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How to Cite

Tang, J., & Ishak, N. (2025). Exploring the Relationship Between Flexible Work Arrangements, Employee Engagement, and Innovative Work Behavior in Shenzhen’s IT Information Technology Industry. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), 126–135. https://doi.org/10.53797/ujssh.v4i1.14.2025

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