Work-Life Balance and Employee Well-Being: Their Role in Enhancing Employee Performance in Shanghai Start-Ups


  • Xiaoli Sun Faculty of Business, Hospitality and Technology, University Islam Melaka, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Malacca, Malaysia
  • Nadiah Ishak Faculty of Business, Hospitality and Technology, University Islam Melaka, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Malacca, Malaysia



Work-life balance, employee well-being, employee performance, start-ups, Shanghai city


In recent years, work-life balance and employee well-being have become critical considerations for employee performance, especially in fast-paced start-ups where the pressure to meet ambitious goals often conflicts with maintaining a balanced lifestyle. In Shanghai, a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in China, these issues are particularly pronounced due to the demanding start-up environment and high-stress levels faced by employees. This study aims to examine the influence of work-life balance and employee well-being on employee performance within Shanghai’s start-up sector, addressing a gap in literature specific to this unique cultural and economic context. A quantitative research method was employed, gathering data from 400 start-up employees in Shanghai through a structured questionnaire and analyzing it using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings reveal that work-life balance has a positive and statistically significant impact on both employee well-being and performance, and that employee well-being mediates the relationship between work-life balance and performance. These results highlight the importance of fostering a balanced work environment in Shanghai’s high-stress start-up ecosystem. This study contributes to the field by providing insights into how start-ups can enhance employee performance through policies that support both work-life balance and well-being, which are essential for sustainable productivity and innovation in a competitive market.


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How to Cite

Sun, X., & Ishak, N. (2025). Work-Life Balance and Employee Well-Being: Their Role in Enhancing Employee Performance in Shanghai Start-Ups. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), 136–144.

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