Development of Collage Module Based on Natural Materials in Quantum Learning to Strengthen the Character of Independence in Early Children


  • Endang Setiyo Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Sri Utaminingsih Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Gudnanto Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Collage module, quantum learning, early childhood children's independence


This article aims to determine the results of the development of modules to strengthen the independence character of early childhood. The research subjects are early childhood children, namely in KB Pertiwi Bersinar Langenharjo Margorejo Pati and KB Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq Margorejo Pati. By taking a sample of 6 early childhood students. This article uses Research and Development (R&D) development research. This research model uses the development of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques 1) Observation, 2) Interview, 3) Questionnaire. The research instrument uses 2 types of data, namely qualitative and quantitative data. The validity of the data was tested by determining the characteristics of the needs according to the perceptions of teachers and students. Data analysis used the score test (N-gain). Presentation of product trial data through expert assessment. Test the effectiveness of the product using a one-group pretest-posttest design. This article aims to determine the results of the development of modules to strengthen the independence character of early childhood. The research subjects are Early Childhood Education, namely in KB Pertiwi Bersinar Langenharjo Margorejo Pati and KB Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq Margorejo Pati. By taking a sample of 6 early childhood students. This article uses Research and Development (R&D) development research. This research model uses the development of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques 1) Observation, 2) Interview, 3) Questionnaire. The research instrument uses 2 types of data, namely qualitative and quantitative data. The validity of the data was tested by determining the characteristics of the needs according to the perceptions of teachers and students. Data analysis used the score test (N-gain). The product effectiveness test used a one-group pretest-posttest design. The results showed that: 1) Collage module products based on natural materials have been suitable for use as learning media for early childhood teachers, 2) The product of the college module based on natural materials in quantum learning has been developed and meets the elements of the feasibility of the content of the learning material so that it can be used to strengthen the independent character of early childhood, 3) Collage module products based on natural materials in quantum learning have proven effectiveness in guiding early childhood students' independence and have theoretical and practical feasibility.


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How to Cite

Setiyo, E., Utaminingsih, S., & Gudnanto. (2022). Development of Collage Module Based on Natural Materials in Quantum Learning to Strengthen the Character of Independence in Early Children. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1, 87–95.

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