The Leadership of Principals in The Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Demak Regency


  • Ahsanuddin Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Slamet Utomo Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Sri Utaminingsih Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Principal leadership, face-to-face learning, Covid-19


The Covid-19 virus has hit the world and has had a huge impact on all aspects of life, including the world of education. With so many confirmed cases, the government closed schools and closed schools. However, implementation of teaching and learning activities face-to-face is still limited. After the decline in confirmed cases of Covid-19 decreased, the government allowed little face-to-face learning, so school principals must be able to carry out limited face-to-face learning while still complying with the Health Protocol. This study aimed to analyze the principal's leadership, obstacles, and solutions in implementing little face-to-face learning and make a reference for school principals in evaluating face-to-face learning at Public Elementary School No. 1 Bungo 1 during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, in natural object conditions where the researcher is the key instrument. Data collection techniques are carried out in a combined manner from interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this study is inductive or qualitative and analyzes the principal's leadership in face-to-face learning—face and the obstacles that need to be resolved appropriately and efficiently. The results of research in the field show that limited face-to-face learning is needed during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, the principal must be able to carry out little face-to-face learning by observing, analyzing, and solving problems and obstacles encountered in face-to-face education. From the findings above, the principal must be able to start planning, implementing, and evaluating all activities that take place during this limited face-to-face learning.


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How to Cite

Ahsanuddin, Utomo, S., & Utaminingsih, S. (2022). The Leadership of Principals in The Implementation of Limited Face-To-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Demak Regency. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1, 24–28.

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