Development of Science Module Based Demak Local Wisdom to Improve Learning Result of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students
Learning result students, local wisdom, natural science moduleAbstract
The objectives in this study are 1) Producing natural science modules based on local wisdom Demak for class V elementary school, 2) Describing the application of natural science modules based on local wisdom Demak in learning in class V elementary school, 3) Analyzing the improvement of learning outcomes of students of class V elementary school after using natural science modules based on local wisdom Demak. The design of this research is Research and Development (R&D) which refers to the opinions of Borg and Gall. The steps consist of 1) Preliminary research and information collection, 2) Planning, 3) Initial product format development, 4) Initial trials, 5) Product revisions, 6) Field trials, 7) Product revisions, 8) Field trials, 9) Final product revisions, 10) Desimination and implementation. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. Data validity tests use validity tests, rehabilitation tests, different power tests, and difficulty levels. Data analysis techniques use validity test analysis, normality test analysis, homogeneity analysis, T-test, and N-gain score test. The result of this study is a natural science Module developed with the approach of local wisdom of the Demak district area declared valid by two expert validators lecturers of Muria Kudus University with scores of 70 and 75 with valid criteria with little change and can be used in learning. The significance value of 2-tailed on the T Paired test of 0.00. The value of t calculated in experiment 1 is 11.113, and t calculates experiment 2 by 8.198, which is greater than 2.08596 (t-table value). The use of natural science Modules based on Local Wisdom of Demak Regency is categorized as quite effective in increasing the learning outcomes of natural science students of Class V elementary school. The results of the N-Gain score test calculation showed that the average N-gain score for experimental class 1 was 65.9034 or 65.90%. The N-gain score for experimental class 2 was 65.4372 or 65.44%. The conclusion in this research is that this module deserves to be used as material in the learning. In addition, the use of natural science modules based on the local wisdom of Demak Regency is effective enough to improve the learning outcomes of students of grade V elementary school.
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