Educational Values Contained in The Art of Barongan in Demak Regency as a Learning Resource for Elementary School Students


  • Adhelia Putri Febrianti Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
  • Nur Fajrie Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muria Kudus University, Indonesia



Barongan art, Demak regency, educational vlues, culture, learning resources for elementary students


Demak barongan art is one of the local arts and traditions passed down since the days of the Demak Kingdom. Demak barongan art still exists and is preserved by the local government of Demak Regency and the people of Demak Regency. Barongan art contains positive values in it, one of which is educational values which can be used as a learning resource for elementary school students. The purpose of this research is to explain in detail about the educational values contained in the Demak barongan art as a learning resource for elementary school students. The research method used is narrative qualitative method. The data in this study were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the Demak barongan art is very suitable to be used as a learning resource for elementary school students, because it contains educational values consisting of: understanding the value of local culture and traditions, art education and creativity, character education, and ethical moral messages. This research is expected to be an input for elementary school teachers to integrate the art of barongan in the school curriculum.


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How to Cite

Febrianti, A. P., & Fajrie, N. (2023). Educational Values Contained in The Art of Barongan in Demak Regency as a Learning Resource for Elementary School Students. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2), 31–37.

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