Student Collaboration Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Models in Learning Science Electrical Circuit Material at Elementary School


  • Diar Rusiana Suharninuk Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program, Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Centra Java, Indonesia
  • Nur Fajrie Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program, Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Centra Java, Indonesia
  • Diah Kurniati English Education Study Program, Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Centra Java, Indonesia



Collaboration, problem-based learning, science


This study uses the problem-based learning methodology to investigate and characterize collaborative skills. Additionally, this research offers theoretical benefits for designing a PBL method to enhance collaborative abilities, particularly in the study of natural sciences. This study employs qualitative narrative approaches with quantitative descriptive results. This study was conducted at Public Elementary School No. 1 Jerukwangi, an educational facility in Bangsri District, Jepara Regency. In this investigation, the researchers used the major (primary) data sources for grade 6 instructors and students at Public Elementary School No. 1 Jerukwangi. To reinforce the data collected and assist the research, extra (secondary) data sources are also gathered from textual sources, including papers, archives, observations, and reference books. The study's findings demonstrated that the sixth-grade science teacher at the elementary school utilized the problem-based learning style to teach her students about electrical circuits. Using the PBL approach has several advantages, according to design: enhancing problem-solving abilities, developing flexibility, increasing learning motivation, and improving cooperation capabilities.


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How to Cite

Suharninuk, D. R., Fajrie, N., & Kurniati, D. (2023). Student Collaboration Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Models in Learning Science Electrical Circuit Material at Elementary School. Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2), 46–53.

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