Cultural Values in the Novel Samudra Pasai by Putra Gara
Novels, values, culture values, samudra pasaiAbstract
The aim of this research is to discuss the cultural values contained in the novel Samudra Pasai by Putra Gara. The cultural values discussed include, (1) cultural values in the relationship between humans and God, (2) cultural values in the relationship between humans and nature, (3) cultural values in the relationship between humans and society, (4) cultural values in the relationship between humans and people. others, and (5) cultural values in humans' relationships with themselves. The data source for this research is the novel Samudra Pasai by Putra Gara. The data collection method in this research uses the listening and note-taking method. The results of this research are, in the novel Samudra Pasai by Putra Gara. The cultural values contained in this research are 45 data, in the form of the relationship between humans and God, the relationship between humans and nature, the relationship between humans and society, the relationship between humans and other people, and the relationship between humans and self.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammad Kanzunnudin, Bagus Tri Budi Utomo, Ristiyani Ristiyani, Irfai Fathurohman, Mila Roysa
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