The Effect of Social Interaction and Anxiety Exposure to Covid 19 on Social Emotional Teacher
Social interaction, anxiety and social emotionalAbstract
Social interaction by implementing social distancing where communication between teachers must be 2 meters apart and using masks, this unnatural interaction has more or less an impact on teachers' social relationships, because of the closeness and intimacy as well as the atmosphere of greeting each other, smiling at each other and even shaking hands cannot be done in daily life. In addition to the new model of social interaction (social distancing) that disrupts teacher social relationships, anxiety about being exposed to COVID-19 is also a separate problem because the closeness and intimacy between individual teachers becomes distant, causing a decline in social relations. The approach used in this research is quantitative correlation. The population in this study were all elementary school teachers in Bonang District totaling 340 teachers. The sample in this study was 184 teachers obtained by calculating the slovin formula. Instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis includes validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test, homogeneity test, multicollinearity test, partial person product moment test and regression test. The results of the study that 1) The results showed that 1) there was an influence between social interaction on the emotional social of teachers at the State Elementary School, Bonang District, Demak Regency, 2) there was an influence between social interaction on the social emotional teacher at the State Elementary School, Bonang District, Demak Regency, 3) there was an influence between social interaction and the anxiety of being exposed to COVID-19 together on the socio-emotional teacher at the State Elementary School, Bonang District, Demak Regency.
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