Development of Edutainment Learning Model Based on Traditional Games to Improve Children's Social Emotional
Edutainment, children's social and emotional, traditional gamesAbstract
One crucial aspect that needs to be considered in the growth and development of children is emotional and social development. This study aims to analyze and formulate the needs, design, feasibility and effectiveness of the traditional game-based edutainment learning model to improve children's social and emotional well-being. The research design used in this research is Research and Development. The subjects of this research were the students of Public Kindergarten 1 Kaliori and Kindergarten of Rahayu Wiroto, Rembang Regency. The results showed that 1) an edutainment learning model is needed following the needs analysis of the learning model. Based on the results of interviews and observations, it is known that the existing learning is still conventional and does not attract children's interest, 2) the development of an edutainment learning model based on traditional games is realized in the form of a guidebook. The guidebook contains instructions or guidelines for implementing edutainment learning, 3) the edutainment learning model is declared suitable for use in Public Kindergarten 1 Kaliori and Kindergarten Rahayu Wiroto both in terms of media and material, and 4) edutainment learning models are effectively used to improve children's social and emotional abilities in Public Kindergarten 1 Kaliori and Kindergarten Rahayu Wiroto. The effectiveness of the edutainment learning model is based on hypothesis testing with the results t-count > t-table. Based on the results of the n-gain test, it was found that the learning model in the category was quite effective.
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